Dr. Lex' Marathon Page
These pages are devoted to the coolest series of Mac games ever created: The Marathon Trilogy, from Bungie SoftWare.
If you are a VidMaster already, you'll enjoy the Marathon Infinity maps (not found on the Trilogy CD—and that's not because they're bad, they were created after its release!) If you aren't, you have the chance to become one by reading the VidMaster Techniques!
Also featuring: QTVR panoramas from Marathon maps, a special version of the Marathon 1 music, tips & tricks for Forge & Anvil and some links.

- Why is Marathon such a great game?
This text compares Marathon to six ‘contemporary’ 3D games. And it explains why I like the game so much…
- Maps
- Scenario
I had bold plans for my own total Marathon conversion, with a fully finished story and outline, but it never got far. Someone truly motivated might still be able to make something from it, if I could manage to recover the files…
- VidMaster Techniques
Including some things the Bungie guys themselves didn't know!
- Forge & Anvil Tips & Tricks
For map-makers.
- QTVR Panoramas
This links to my QTVR page, which includes panoramas created with screenshots from self-made Marathon maps.
- How to make a QTVR panorama from a Marathon Map
… and this exlains how to make such panoramas yourself.
- Marathon Music QT 3&4 edition
A rearrangement of the original M1 music for use with QuickTime 3 or 4.
- It doesn't get any better than this!
You can now simply
download the entire Marathon trilogy for free, legally! Many thanks to Bungie for releasing these. To run these games on modern operating systems, you can use the
Aleph One project. To run Marathon 1, you can use the converted map files by Raul Bonilla (see the trilogyrelease page).
- Marathon Links
Lots of these are submitted by “third parties,” and given the age of Marathon and this whole page, most of these links will be
dead. I don't have time myself to check all this stuff regularly, so you can report a dead link yourself if you wish. But, maybe it makes more sense to preserve this list so you can look up the URLs in the
Internet Archive…