This archive contains all kinds of random files which were lingering about on my harddisk and which may be useful or entertaining to some people, or just downward useless. This archive will be updated randomly. If you think you have a file which belongs here, you can always mail me.
I do not take any responsibility for the contents or the correctness of any of these files. Download and use them at your own risk. However, if you have reasonable arguments against a file, you can always ask to have it removed.
WARNING: do not attempt to ‘hotlink’ to any of the images or sound files, it won't work. If you want to use a file, copy it to your own webspace. If you don't and you just link directly to this site, your visitors might see a disgusting image instead of the one you're trying to leech. I do not do this because I like to pester people, it is just because I have to pay for my bandwidth.
(ordered alphabetically according to file name)
Name (Format), Description | Date added |
a-team.html (HTML) Yes indeed, it are the ‘lyrics’ of the intro from ‘The A-Team’. For quite a while, this file has been within the top 20 of most searched files of this entire site… | 1999-10-25 | (ZIP archive containing BSP file) This is an experimental map for the game ‘Quake’ that contains some weird machinery, including the Humpty Dumpty Simulator and the Body Part Centrifuge. | 2010-12-12 |
borg-microsoft.html (HTML) A short spoof of Star Trek featuring Bill & Co, found somewhere on the web. Author unknown. | 1998-06-09 |
calibran.html (HTML) This was the ‘calibrate your monitor’ page (Dutch version) that used to be available on the home page. The calibration procedure has become rather useless with the increasing quality of computer monitors, so if it fails you may need to buy a new monitor. | 2009-01-13 |
calibrat.html (HTML) The English version of the above page. | 2009-01-13 |
car_problem.html (HTML) The solution of a certain mechanical problem involving a car driving in circles. In all likelihood, someone in the USA tried to have their homework solved by a random person on the internet. I wonder what the teacher said when they handed in an answer that relied on metric units… | 2001-08-07 |
chemicals.mcw (MS Word Mac 5.0) A list of chemical formulas (acids, bases, hydrocarbons…) with their common names in Dutch. | 1998-06-09 |
chemicals_az.mcw (MS Word Mac 5.0) The same list as above, but sorted alphabetically by common name. | 1998-06-09 | (ZIP archive) A basic chronometer application for the HP48G(X) calculator. | 1999-06-24 |
cpp.pdf (Portable Document Format) (This is in Dutch only). Een korte samenvatting van de belangrijkste aspecten van C++. Vooral bedoeld als geheugensteun voor de correcte syntax van minder courante constructies. Kan ook bruikbaar zijn om C++ te leren voor wie voorkennis van C of Java heeft. Let op: niet meer up-to-date met de nieuwste C++ versies! | 2007-11-21 |
creampie.txt (ASCII text) An electronic cream pie to throw at your e-mail friends. | 1998-06-09 |
electronic-components.html (HTML) This is a page with pretty random information about certain electronic components. Updates: 2015-06-13 (added link to this forgotten file.) | 2001-01-24 |
EVNova-StarMap-2.0.svg (SVG image) A map of the star systems in the classic game ‘Escape Velocity Nova’ or ‘EV Nova’ or ‘EVN’ in short. Unlike the 1.0 version that can be found elsewhere, this one is designed to be printable on a sheet of A4 paper while still being readable without a microscope. Because this one does not attempt to cram too much information on one page, it lacks the planet and starport names per system—you're better off using a separate look-up table for those anyway. It does indicate wormhole positions and fixes some of the errors and missing bits from the 1.0 chart. For optimal viewing and printing, ensure you have the Calibri or Carlito font installed. Updates: 2018-12-30, 2.0b2: fixed some errors and marked non-permanent wormholes. | 2018-12-22 |
Haasrock-19941015.png (PNG image) A poster of the “Haasrock” concert organised in 1994 by pupils of my former secondary school, ‘Sint-Albertuscollege Haasrode.’ As far as I remember, it was the first in the ‘Haasrock’ series. Bands performing were: The Same, Les Cicatrices, Decent Meal, Painted Wood, Prodigal People, and D for Drive. | 2022-04-09 |
HAVOC-cheats.txt (ASCII text) Instructions on how to hack saved game files of the (rather unknown) game ‘HAVOC’ from Reality Bytes + cheat codes. | 1998-06-09 |
![]() An updated version of the old ‘Remote 3.4’ universal IR remote program by Bjorn Gahm for the HP48G(X) calculator (often distributed as ‘rem34bg’). This version “3.5” has a new UI that allows to directly use almost all keys as remote buttons, removing the need to scroll through an on-screen grid. For your convenience, here is direct acess to the README. ![]() | 2024-03-09 | (ZIP archive) HPChat 2.0: a ‘chat’ program for the HP48G(X) calculator, can also be used as a terminal to communicate with RS232 devices. Chatting only makes sense if you have a long cable or some wireless transmission system, of course. | 2001-05-24 |
hpclock.bin (Binary file) A small application for the HP 48G(X) calculator which draws a simple (static) analog clock. | 1998-06-10 | (Perl script) This script converts screenshots obtained through a serial connection from a HP48G or similar calculator into a raw 1-bit image that can be easily opened in graphics programs like the GIMP. (The file has been given a .txt extension for easier download.) Updates: 2021-04-17: allow to convert output with ImageMagick. | 2021-04-11 | (Perl script) This script converts a text file from Unicode to RPL (HP) character set or vice versa. This allows to easily edit HP48 calculator files on a normal computer. (The file has been given a .txt extension for easier download.) | 2024-03-09 |
IWantToBelieve.jpg (JPEG image) To the dismal of many fans, the ‘I Want To Believe’ poster which became famous from its appearance in Mulder's office in The X-Files™ was never sold officially. Actually, two distinct posters have been used in the series. This is a reconstruction of the first one, based on similar, if not the same, source material. It may be the closest you'll ever get to the real thing. | 1998-11-17 |
KUL-IPs.html (HTML) This is a list of some IP numbers from the KU Leuven network. These numbers change each year, so the changes are listed too, and from the date you can see that this document is now utterly obsolete. | 1999-08-17 |
ld_logo.bmp (BMP image) Welcome to Microsnort Losedows 95! Replacement startup logo for Windows. Rename it to logo.sys, put it in the root of the C: drive of a PC, and re-boot! Other people (like Mac users) can convert it to another format and use it as a startup or desktop image. | 1998-06-30 |
ld_logoie.bmp (BMP image) The same file as the previous, but with the extra text: “Microsnort Internet Exploder”. Use either this file or the previous (and rename to logo.sys). | 1999-11-24 |
ld_logow.bmp (BMP image) The ‘shutdown’ screen that belongs with the previous files. Rename to logow.sys and put it in the C:\windows directory (replacing the existing logow.sys). | 1998-06-30 |
Losedows.xpm (XPM image) Just a 48x48 icon based on the startup screens above. | 2001-03-07 |
maanprac.scm (Scheme program) This is an implementation in the rather obscure language ‘Scheme’ (a dialect of Lisp) of the game ‘lunar lander’. It is in Dutch, so now for the Dutch-speaking people: dit is mijn implementatie van het ‘Maanlander’-practicum van ‘Methodiek van de Informatica’ van eerste kan Burg. Ir. aan de KU Leuven in academiejaar 1997-1998. | 2003-03-20 |
![]() This was the first skin I made for the ancient MacAmp 1.0b7 back in 1998, obviously only useful if you can still find it and run it in an emulator or on an ancient Mac. This ‘LexSkin’ features round (yes, circular) windows for the main interface and equaliser. It won't work in MACAST. | 2020-12-10 |
macsoundoutput.html (HTML) A file, previously to be found somewhere else on this site, describing some kind of issue with sound output voltage on models of Macintosh computers nobody uses anymore today. | 2000-07-23 |
matrix-inv.html (HTML) Instant formulas for the inverse and determinants of 2x2 and 3x3 matrices. It is amazing how many people are looking for this in search engines! | 2001-11-21 | (ZIP archive containing MP3 audio) 5 seconds of 1000Hz and 440Hz sine waves in MP3 format, for testing purposes. For more info and other sounds, see the MP3 test sounds page (Update: 2008-02-02). | 1999-02-05 |
multi_plot.bin (Binary file) A small application for the HP 48G(X) calculator which can draw a series of functions automatically. | 1998-06-09 |
NaziBlastLevels.sit (StuffIt archive) Three sets of levels for the Mac version of Wolfenstein 3D™. If you thought six Nazis in one room is hard, think again. If you thought one ‘Gutentag’ every three levels is hard, be prepared to die! These levels, with inspirational names like “NaziBlast 3D”, are stuffed to the brim with Nazis and are best played with the fire key held down all the time! (Update 2003-04-20: some of the levels have been ‘cleaned’ so the game doesn't crash anymore due to too many objects. Don't worry, practically no Nazis nor ammo have been removed!) | 2002-07-30 |
note-freqs.html (HTML) A table with the frequencies (Hz) of 4 octaves of musical notes, with the formula to calculate them. | 1998-06-09 |
Oud-ExBurgie.html (HTML) Oud-examenvragen 1e kan Burg. Ir. K.U. Leuven, academiejaar 1997-'98 (Dutch only). Schrik niet als je als huidige 1e kanner/bacher deze vragen niet kan oplossen, de leerstof is ondertussen veranderd (lees: mogelijk vereenvoudigd). | 1998-10-27 |
pcmodemmaccable.html (HTML) A page with the correct way to connect a PC modem with a DB-9 or DB-25 connector to a Macintosh computer with a DIN-8 (GeoPort) connector. | 2001-02-22 |
puzzle.html (HTML) A simple 15-puzzle written in JavaScript. | 2013-10-05 |
qr-gen.html (HTML) A webpage that can make QR codes based on a version of QRCode.js with cherry-picked improvements. | 2022-12-26 |
RKSB-104-schematic.png (PNG image) A schematic diagram of the Russian RKSB-104 geiger counter (sometimes mistakenly called PKCB-104 due to the Cyrillic РКСБ-104), with a few explanations on where to find the counter signal and how to make the pulses audible. By the way, if your RKSB doesn't run even with a fresh battery, the most likely cause is a bad contact in the on/off switch, which seems prone to oxidation. Just move the switch from OFF to ON a dozen times and it should work again. If you're going to hack your RKSB, you can use the occasion to treat the switches with contact cleaner, or replace them with more reliable ones. | 2006-01-07 |
RKSB-104-ticker.png (PNG image) A photo that shows where the counting signal can be found in the RKSB-104, as well as a possible circuit to make the signal audible using a tiny speaker. Another possibility is to connect this signal through a wired-OR to the existing piëzo speaker. | 2012-11-04 |
schroefmoercomponent.jpg (JPEG image) This is what happens when people believe automatic translators like Babelfish are reliable. “Nuts” ended up being translated as “crazy” and “nut components” as the counterpart of steel bolts in many of the languages. No wonder they placed a warning on the package! | 2007-02-26 |
Spookhuis.pdf (Portable Document Format) (This is in Dutch only). Dit is een fantasieverhaal (36blz), getiteld: “Het Spookhuis van Willemsburg,” dat ik geschreven heb toen ik 14 jaar was. | 2003-04-02 |
SquirrelKombat-combos.txt (ASCII Text) These are the key combos from the old Mac game “Squirrel Kombat” by Monkey Farm Software. | 2016-05-01 |
Stop-Hammertime.jpg (JPEG image) You'll look differently at those cans next time you visit the hardware store. | 2010-05-08 |
suffixes.html (HTML) A handy list with all the classic Internet country suffixes like .us, .be, .ch, … Update: 2020-01-29 | 2006-03-12 |
TrashcanLabel.jpg (JPEG image) Just print it at any desired size, stick it on every trashcan in sight, then do what it says and finally, get Linux or a Macintosh computer. After finishing this sequence, you'll have contributed your part in making this a better world. | 2001-09-15 |
TT100-981225.html (HTML) A summary of ‘De tijdloze top 100’ from the Belgian broadcast ‘Studio Brussel’ from December 25, 1998. | 1998-12-28 |
vantieghem/ (HTML) De ‘Vantieghem-functie’ (Dutch only). Dit is een voorbeeld van een functie die overal discontinu is, maar toch integreerbaar. De naam is afkomstig van de gelijknamige leraar die analyse gaf in het ‘voorbereidend jaar’ aan de K.U. Leuven in 1997. | 1998-03-12 |
win98-con-lan.txt (ASCII text) The description of yet another bug in Windows 98. (To view this file correctly, download it to disk and read it in a text editor.) | 2001-03-06 |
Xlfxacharhqsnwecnpeu.gif (GIF image) This belongs to the last category of files mentioned in the intro text at the top of this page. | 2000-03-28 |
zerowing.gif (GIF image) ALL YOUR BASE ARE BELONG TO US. This is history: the worst translation of a video game ever! This was the intro to the SEGA MegaDrive version of ‘Zero Wing’ by Toaplan, 1989. It was the basis for one of the very first internet memes. | 2001-03-06 |
zerowing.txt (ASCII text) Of course this can't be lacking: the integral transcript of the above animation, probably known by heart by millions of people by now. | 2001-04-30 |
zocchi.txt (ASCII text) This file contains 4000 throws from a 100-faced GameScience ‘Zocchihedron’ die (or dice). Next to being a pastime for those moments when I have to wait for boring stuff like compiling code etcetera, the intention is to repeat the experiment conducted in White Dwarf magazine, to show that the distribution of the numbers is not uniform. This requires at least 5050 throws for a confident statistical evaluation, so more numbers may be added in the future depending on how bored I am. However, the current set already reveals a bias towards one side of the die. I release this file under a Creative Commons Attribution License. Updates to number of throws: 2006-01-07: 1392; 2007-06-08: 1442; 2009-04-26: 1700; 2009-05-03: 1800; 2012-01-28: 1900; 2012-02-29: 2200; 2012-10-22: 2500; 2020-05-20: 3000; 2020-09-17: 4000. | 2006-01-07 |