
A comic by Dr. Lex (a.k.a. Alexander Thomas)
in the style of geeky classics like User Friendly

Latest strip: 152 – Tuesday, March 25, 2025

Current story arc: User Unfriendly

Strip 152
References: “sound familiar”: strip 137
Alana: I have been scanning the media for news about Quantuple. Very little to be found, nobody explains what really happened, but one geeky news site had some good background. The guy actually worked for Macroshaft at the end of last century, doing A.I. research, and was part of the team responsible for the office assistant.

Zhang: No way, are you implying that Clippy is one of his creations?
Max: And our Deletium adventure was caused by this same guy?
Alana: There is no proof, but combined with OIB-A271's memories, it is the only explanation that does not sound totally ridiculous.

Max: More like Occam's axe than Occam's razor… it raises more questions than it answers. Why did he leave MS?
Alana: Nobody took him seriously or believed in his supposedly self-conscious constructs.
Max: Well, that does sound familiar…

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Update schedule: Tuesday and Friday noon CE(S)T.

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