
A comic by Dr. Lex (a.k.a. Alexander Thomas)
in the style of geeky classics like User Friendly

Latest strip: 143 – Friday, February 21, 2025

Current story arc: Lifted

Strip 143
References: the agreement with Faceworld: strip 78
Caption: A few days later…
Alana: I think we can close the whole Faceworld versus Quantuple chapter. I had been thinking about ways to bring justice to the ones responsible, without violating our agreement, but now this case has solved itself.
Steve: Not in the most satisfactory of ways, but it is what it is.

Zhang: I wish we could have learned more about what was behind that weird company. I bet some government agency will now get their hands on all that strange technology… or it just ends up in a dumpster.
Max: Maybe we will hear something from it… Hrm, now that I do have a brand new phone, many apps do not work.

We see the silhouettes of Max, Zhang and Heidi in the background, with in the foreground a networked camera moving with a subtle humming sound.
Heidi: A lot of internet services have been down in the past few days, unexplained cases of overloaded data centers, devices misbehaving. Strange that this started exactly after the incident at Quantuple.
Zhang: Are you implying…
Heidi: Like I said, I do not rule it out.

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Update schedule: Tuesday and Friday noon CE(S)T.

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