Story arc: Lifted
SONAIS 125 - Friday, December 20, 2024 link
Strip 125
Setting: the team is entering one of the building's elevators.
Zhang: Luckily the security level in this building matches its '70s age.
Max: It all feels a tad too easy… but you don't hear me complain. 16th floor, right?
Heidi: Yes.

Max: 15th, almost there…
SFX: KLONG (The elevator stops abruptly)
Zhang: What happened? We stopped in between floors.

Heidi: The intercom and alarm button seem broken. Time to call Adil.
Max: Dangit, no cell signal here. The elevator cabin must be blocking it.
Zhang: Designing for cell signal reception obviously wasn't a thing in the 70s…
Story arc: Lifted
SONAIS 126 - Tuesday, December 24, 2024 link
Strip 126
Heidi: Wait… we're moving again.
Max: But, we are going beyond the 16th floor! What is wrong with this thing?
Zhang: I bet it hasn't been serviced in ages.

Max: Stopped again, and we're at the top floor.
Zhang: Why won't the doors open?

SFX: TWANG zzzzzz…
Heidi: Mein Gott! We're going down, way too fast!
Zhang: This is not normal at all!
Story arc: Lifted
SONAIS 127 - Friday, December 27, 2024 link
Strip 127
Heidi hits the emergency stop button while the elevator is in near free fall.
Zhang: We're going to crash!
Heidi: I hope the emergency stop still works!

The team gets thrown to the floor as the elevator grinds to a halt.
Zhang: Ouch!
Max: Thank goodness, it worked.

Max: We are really stuck now. And, nobody responds to our banging on the doors…
Heidi: Worse, the ventilation has cut out. We are at risk of CO₂ poisoning.
Zhang: I seriously doubt this is all due to lack of maintenance.
Story arc: Lifted
SONAIS 128 - Tuesday, December 31, 2024 link
Strip 128
References: Movie ‘De Lift’ by Dick Maas (1983)
Max: This whole situation starts to remind me of a certain obscure 80s Dutch horror movie…
Heidi: I think I can get into the control panel, maybe that will get us somewhere…

Heidi: I got it open, perhaps if I short out something, or …
Zhang: What the heck, we're going up again?
Heidi: I haven't even touched anything yet.

Zhang: How is this possible? The emergency brakes should still be engaged!
Max: I think we can all agree that this elevator does not play by any normal rules.
Heidi: The target floor is still stuck at 16. Maybe it will stop there this time?