Story arc: Lifted
SONAIS 129 - Friday, January 3, 2025 link
Strip 129
Max: We are again going beyond 16…
Zhang: It's going to do another dive, and now the emergency stop won't work anymore! Do something, Heidi!
Heidi: I am not an elevator technician!

Heidi: I'll short out random things, we have nothing to lose.

Max: Something happened. I don't know what, but anything is better than again plummeting to death.
Heidi: I think it worked. I must have blown some fuses.
Zhang: Phew! Now we must find a way out of here ASAP.
Story arc: Lifted
SONAIS 130 - Tuesday, January 7, 2025 link
Strip 130
We see Zhang's head poking out from a hatch on top of the elevator.
Zhang: Fresh air, at last! Heidi's multi-tool be praised.
Max (from below): Hurry up, you are not exactly a featherweight…

We see the team of three entering the machine room at the top floor.
Heidi: We are in the machine room. I want to see the controller for the elevators.
Zhang: Now you're suddenly an elevator technician after all?
Heidi: No, I suspect something.

Max: Look here… this does not look like standard equipment.
Heidi: A machine with the Quantuple logo indeed.
Zhang: It must be some kind of remote control, the bastards!
Heidi: They know we're coming.
Story arc: Lifted
SONAIS 131 - Friday, January 10, 2025 link
Strip 131
Max is calling Adil.
Max: Adil? We are pretty sure the office is here, after what we've been through. I'll tell the details later. Stay connected, OK?
Zhang: Shouldn't we call the police?
Heidi: We don't have much in the way of evidence.

Zhang: Grmbl, I guess you're right. It is us who did the most damage to the elevator…
Max: And I bet this computer has already self-destructed by now.
Heidi: We must confront them. Let's find the office.

The team has found what appears to be the door to the Quantuple office.
Heidi: This is it, they certainly aren't keen on loud advertising.
Max: Almost need a magnifying glass to see the logo on the door.
Zhang: I am starting to wish we had brought some kind of weapon…