Story arc: Lifted
SONAIS 133 - Friday, January 17, 2025 link
Strip 133
References: TV series ‘Coupling’, season 2 episode 3 (2001); Friday freewheeling: strip 8
The team explores the office, which is full of weird machines.
Heidi: This looks more like a laboratory than an I.T. company office.
Zhang: Yes, compared to this, our workshop is perfectly normal.
Max: Maybe they have an every-day-but-Friday freewheeling policy here.

Heidi: This is clearly not your average tech startup…
Zhang: Hush… I hear something in the next room.
Max: There's some more light in there as well…

Zhang, Max and Heidi are in the doorway between the rooms, with an astonished look on their faces. We see them from behind someone's head to which a bunch of wires are attached.
Voice: Welcome, I have been expecting you…
Story arc: Lifted
SONAIS 134 - Tuesday, January 21, 2025 link
Strip 134
References: what went wrong at Faceworld: strip 70 and next
We see the person who greeted our team of 3, with a gaunt face and seeming ill, sitting on a chair with countless wires connected to his body, ass well as an IV bag.
Max: Who… who are you?
Zhang (whispering): I would almost ask… what is he?

Person: Basically, I am Quantuple. I am the CEO, CTO, CFO, and all other applicable acronyms.
Heidi: That means you must be the one behind what happened at Faceworld. What kind of company is this? Where do you get all this technology? It seems ahead of the state-of-the-art by decades.

Mr. Quantuple: So many questions, so little time. Aren't you curious about what you are observing right now?
Zhang: Well… yeah, I am rather curious about the cyborg thing.
Mr. Quantuple: I am about to upload myself.
Zhang: You… what?
Story arc: Lifted
SONAIS 135 - Friday, January 24, 2025 link
Strip 135
Mr. Quantuple: That's right, I am going to lift myself to a higher existence. I have already uploaded most of my memory, the only thing left is my self-conscience.
Max: Impossible. You are even more insane than I thought!
Heidi: Assuming it will work at all, what is your ultimate goal?

Mr. Quantuple: Of course it will work, I have prepared this for years. I have nothing to lose anyway. Doctors are useless, they have no clue about the illness that ravages me, let alone a cure. My body will not last more than a few months. But, my mind will last pretty much forever.

Zhang: If it works — big if, would your mind be duplicated?
Mr. Quantuple: No, the process will be fatal for my biological form.
Zhang: Seems like a fancy way of committing suicide then.
Mr. Quantuple: On the contrary, I will be more alive than ever…
Story arc: Lifted
SONAIS 136 - Tuesday, January 28, 2025 link
Strip 136
References: Movie ‘De Lift’ by Dick Maas (1983)
Max: You were trying to kill us in the elevator, weren't you? Why, we only want to talk, we are not a threat.
Mr. Quantuple: My A.I. guard must have believed otherwise.
Max: What do you mean, it was an autonomous system?
Mr. Quantuple: Yes, it learns all by itself and takes its own decisions.

Max: Damn, it really is like that Dutch movie…
Zhang: We could have the whole discussion about liability here, but something tells me we don't have the time for that.
Heidi: Your technological prowess again seems ahead of our time. Can you explain why?

Mr. Quantuple: My my, aren't you a stubborn one. Let's say a certain discovery has opened up a lot of… possibilities.
Zhang: How about the Faceworld sabotage, can you be a little less vague about that?
Mr. Quantuple: Very well, I will explain…