Story arc: Back to Normal
SONAIS 89 - Friday, August 16, 2024 link
Strip 89
References: quantum machines: strip 72, strip 78
Max: I feel like sleuthing today. Has anyone found out more about this Quantuple company?
Heidi: Unfortunately, nothing beyond what's on their spartan website.
Max: Yeah, it's as if they invented the whole need-to-know concept. Their site basically says nothing more than “we exist.” Not even a coarse location.

Zhang: The WHOIS info also doesn't contain anything useful. Contact info has been anonymized. If we had some evidence of network-related abuse, we could mail and see if the reply hints at something, but we have nothing.
Max: Yeah, too bad that being suspected murderous lunatics does not qualify as network abuse…

Heidi: The Faceworld crew has notified us that the quantum machines are on their way. Let's wait for the shipment; maybe we'll find some kind of clue inside them.
Max: If not, then at the least we'll have some interesting new toys.
Story arc: Back to Normal
SONAIS 90 - Tuesday, August 20, 2024 link
Strip 90
References: TV series ‘Band of Brothers’ (2001); movie ‘Alien’ (1979)
Setting: water cooler area, Heidi looks at her smartphone.
Heidi: Is it me, or is global stability gradually deteriorating?
Adil: What do you mean?
Heidi: Look at all these ongoing wars, one would expect humanity to evolve beyond this.

Heidi: The concept of waging war feels like something that should have been relegated to history books long ago.
Adil: But, if there would be no war, there would be no super-cool movies about it! Or great TV series, like Band of Brothers…

Max joins.
Max: Well, mankind hasn't ever built a giant spaceship that picked up an incredibly nasty alien which then killed off the entire crew save one (and a cat). Yet, there is a super-cool movie about that.
Adil: Hmm, you do have some kind of point there…
Story arc: Back to Normal
SONAIS 91 - Friday, August 23, 2024 link
Strip 91
References: Paloraid picture: strip 81; movie ‘Speed’ (1994)
Setting: Zhang and Max are the only ones in the office.
Zhang: Remember the Paloraid pictures taken by that A-10?
Max: Heck yeah, near-death experiences are hard to forget.

Zhang: I have noticed something interesting about them.
Max: Really? What is it?

We see a close-up of the photo Zhang picked up in strip 81.
Zhang: You and Heidi are getting remarkably… close there.
Max: Ehh, doesn't that make sense, given the circumstances?
Zhang: Perhaps. Well, if that would have been the start of something, it would have been doomed anyhow.

Max: I see what you're doing there… “relationships that start under intense circumstances never last.”
Zhang: Yeah, it's hard to believe “Speed” is 30 years old already…
Story arc: Back to Normal
SONAIS 92 - Tuesday, August 27, 2024 link
Strip 92
Max: OK, I admit. I might have some interest in Heidi.
Zhang: Is she aware of this?
Max: Not that I know. Certainly not from me giving any obvious signals…

Max: I am totally awful at these things. I am a stereotypical socially inept nerd when it comes to relationships. There's a reason I'm still single at my age.
Zhang: Don't sweat it. I can relate…

Max: Don't your Chinese parents bug the hell out of you for not yet having found a partner?
Zhang: Oh yeah. You can be sure that during the next family meeting, they will try to hook me up with yet another girl who has survived their selection procedure.