Story arc: Back to Normal
SONAIS 93 - Friday, August 30, 2024 link
Strip 93
References: Futurama season 5 episode 2 “Jurassic Bark”; Alana versus OIB-A271: strip 26
Setting: the workshop, only OIB-A271 is present.
OIB-A271: Interesting what I find when browsing the local network. Someone has left an archive of all Futurama episodes on a network drive. I doubt this is work-related.

Alana enters the workshop.
Alana: Heidi? Hmm, nobody here, I thought I heard someone speaking. What is that, an old Oiba?
OIB-A271, thinking: Uh-oh. I need some kind of diversion to chase her away.

OIB-A271: Commencing 2-hour yipping session. WAH WAH WAH WAH…
Alana: My god, that must be Heidi's most annoying project yet. If it's meant to keep people out of the workshop, it is damn effective.

Alana leaves the workshop.
OIB-A271, thinking: Phew, that was a close shave. As far as I'm concerned, that Futurama archive is essential…
Story arc: Quantum Questions
SONAIS 94 - Tuesday, September 3, 2024 link
Strip 94
References: “Robo-puppy” from Futurama season 5 episode 2 “Jurassic Bark”
Setting: workshop, Heidi pushes a cart with a large box on it.
Heidi: What are you doing? Please stop it!

OIB-A271: Sorry, I had to rely on Futurama tactics to divert Alana's attention away from me. I should yip for 37 more minutes to make it appear legit…
Max: I suggest a different strategy next time, lest you want to end up like ‘robo-puppy.’

Heidi: Anyhow, the “quantum” shipment from Faceworld finally arrived. Let's get unpacking.

Max: These machines look brand new. I wonder why they have this kind of overkill hardware, and enough of it to “donate” some spares to us.
Heidi: Let's ask them, in the hopes of not bumping into yet another need-to-know wall.
Story arc: Quantum Questions
SONAIS 95 - Friday, September 6, 2024 link
Strip 95
References: the deal: strip 78
Setting: The team is behind a laptop, in a video call with the Faceworld team.
Max: Having a working internet link for communication is quite a bit more convenient than having to ride a hovercraft.
Zhang: Albeit less cool…
Heidi: Thanks for the workstations. We do have a question: why are these machines so over-specced for what they were used for?

Faceworld employee: They are a leftover from a cancelled project, something with robots that convincingly appear to be self-aware. But, I think you know what I'm going to say if you ask more details…
Max: Yes, it starts with “need.”

Faceworld employee: The hardware had been delivered anyway, hence it was repurposed for a less ambitious project. You know, the one that almost ended up killing us. Anyhow, have fun with the machines, but don't forget our deal.
Heidi: Don't worry, we won't.
Story arc: Quantum Questions
SONAIS 96 - Tuesday, September 10, 2024 link
Strip 96
Heidi: Well, at least now we know something more, albeit not much.
Zhang: Any software on the machines that gives a hint about this Quantuple company?
Heidi: No, just a bare Debian Linux installed, nothing extra.

Max: How about we take a look at the hardware itself, maybe there's a clue to be found on the PCBs?
Heidi: Certainly worth a try.
Max: I'll get the toolkit.

Zhang: I have been wondering… You grabbed Max when the A-10 approached in Faceworld. Does this signify anything?
Heidi: Huh? Hmm, no, it means nothing, it was pure… instinct.

Max: Here are the tools. What were you two talking about?
Heidi: Uhm, nothing noteworthy, nothing at all…